Software Development as a Service (SDAAS) is a model that enables companies to receive bespoke software solutions without incurring prohibitive development costs. Instead of paying a large lump sum for software development, the client pays a fixed monthly subscription for a agreed period of time. Once development is complete, the subscription shifts to a hosting and maintenance package, with the option for further development via development packages that can be paid for over an agreed period. The SDAAS model makes it more accessible for companies to have software tailored to their specific needs, thereby improving their overall business operations.

The teacup platform is a powerful tool that enables Agile Rapid Development (ARD) for software development projects. Our developers use ARD methodology, which focuses on delivering basic solutions with basic functionality that meets the immediate needs of a business. This allows the business to start using the system and collecting data right away, without having to wait for a full-scale solution to be built. The teacup platform is a function-rich repository of pre-built code that makes ARD possible

Through the use of the teacup platform, SDAAS continues, and the system evolves and grows with the business over time. This approach ensures that the system is always aligned with the business operation, and does not dictate how the business should operate.

In essence, the teacup platform enables businesses to have a software solution that is tailored to their specific needs and grows with them as their operations evolve.

This is the key advantage of the teacup platform and our business model, as it allows businesses to have a software solution that complements and supports their operations, rather than dictating them.

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